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Meeting a Loser

First off - happy March 1st!

Secondly, I wanted to write about my first real meeting that went down just Friday. So let's start by putting it into the right time frame and set of mind, like a little... story. Continue reading!

Excitement was boiling wildly in my blood. As I rushed around the house, shoving things in my backpack for the overnight stay, I couldn't help but glance at myself every so often in the mirror. Adjust my ponytail, fix my bangs, change sweaters. I struggled for a moment, swapping tops and changing pants. But I knew exactly what pair of boots I would wear, what kind I would make this special maggot enjoy.

I admired myself in the mirror, admired the way my gym pants were comfy enough for the cold weather and still showed off just the perfect curve of my ass. I admired the shirt I wore, but would later change. And then came the struggle of sunglasses. My favourite pair were no where to be seen, I figured I probably left them in Florida. I told My Partner "We are going to stop at the mall." and I changed to tank top and blue sweater. Once I got matching sunglasses, I knew it would be perfect. As I shot Loser a text, I did my morning errands before getting on the road. Stop at the post office, the smoke shop, the bank, and the gas station.

As my Partner popped in a Lana Del Rey CD, letting his hand leave the wheel momentarily to carress my thigh, I anxiously glanced at my phone. It had been nearly two hours, and no reply. What happened? Was he ditching me? This wouldn't have been the first time, and my Partner had to talk me out of growing angry. Although he did admit, he was nervous to meet Loser as well. I was just pulling him into the scene, making him step out of his comfort zone to realize the full extent of pleasure that can be gained from meeting such as this, and to what the future potentially held. Every time my iPhone binged, I jumped a little. Texts form my friends, my mom, everyone but Loser. A heavy frown set on my face as I imagined burning his package and sending him the video. I would not be played for a fool.

As we were to turn into the mall, finally he texted me. "Sorry Princess, did you text me? I just got my phone, I am 30 minutes away!" was the gist of it. I sighed a heavy sigh of relief, and an overwhelming feeling of excitement rushed thrugh my blood. I sent him a quick text and photo, saying I was also on my way and to not text and drive (safety first). He thanks me profousely as I ran to claires, grabbed matching blue sunglasses and cute glue on nails. Now, now everything seemed perfect. I felt powerful, no longer scared. And as we got into Mystic and checked into our hotel, the texts rolled in. "I can't find a parking spot" "where should we meet" etc.

Because of the Chowder Fest happening (what a perfectly crowded and delicious event!) we decided to meet directly across the shops at McDonalds, lame but still fairly packed. My Partner and I exchanged glances as I surfed my phone, bag help tightly in my sweaty little palm. I tapped my fresh nails against my screen and pondered what sort of small talk would happen. When I heard someone addressing me, I turned to see a man who was shorter than I had imagined. I remembered texting him about the gym and eating healthy, and he looked like he did both. He had an almost beefy build it seemed, though it was hard to tell under a jacket. And thankfully, he was much MUCH cuter than I had imagined. I pondered for a moment on the sunglasses which rested on his silver hair and reflected two different colours, and I was so glad I wore mine over my eyes. Was I supposed to hug him? I'm a touchy person, so I'm used to hugging and kissing friends when I meet them. But I had to snap out of it and remind myself why he was here.

A grin was spreading like wildfare across my pale face and I tugged on the glittery lip gloss on my lips. Loser seemed nervous, duh. My body felt like it was swelling as he chatted about the weather, about the parking, about how excited he was to meet me and My Partner. I was surprised! My Partner even chatted with Loser!

The excitement was wearing off, and my nerves were settling in. Did I look cool enough? Composed enough? Was my back straight and my cleavage out? Were my boots dirty or clean? It all didn't matter. As I told him about the special additions in his package, I could see his face brighten. Gosh, what a nice Princess I am. Hearing him say "Yes Princess" and "Thank you Princess" over and over in person sent my head through a tornado of excitable dizziness. He dug in his pocket and pulled out a wad of twenties, exclaiming that he had brought me a little present too. Thank God, I probably would have hit him right there is he came empty handed (LOL)! I ran my blue and purple nails along the cash and shoved it in my bra with a huge grin.

I felt the meeting coming to a close. He mentioned he brought his dog for a hike and he had some errands to run. But before leaving, I extended my right foot in front of me and pointed down. "Don't forget to kiss Princess goodbye properly." I demanded. Afraid I was asking too much, I was astounded when Loser got down on his hands and knees in the snow and dirt and actually kissed them! I could feel the force of his mouth through the fabric, the greed he held inside of him to please me. As the biggest smile in my entire life swept across my face, I felt my groin tighten and my stomach flutter as I coyly said "Good boy!"

Oh how I wanted him to stay down in that position, how I wanted to make him look up as I spit in his mouth and gave him a nice, tender slap across the face. I wanted to make him say "Thank you Princess" at least 100 more times! However, I regained composure and gave him a little wave, telling him I would chat later and my Partner and I left, snickering.

My Partner told me about the dog and the truck as we walked away. I was much too high from the brief meet, my mind wandering with thoughts for the future. True Sessions, where I would crush his face between my thighs and force him to inhale my scent before I surprised him with hot piss all over his face and mouth. Making him kiss each one of my boots as much times as possible before he carefully took them off and greedily licked the sweat between my toes.

The thought had my head spinning the rest of the night and as he partook in the festival and swam at the hotel, my evil little mind imagined us swimming, me on his back pushing his head under the water ever so often. Sitting on the edge of the pool and kicking water in his face, making him sleep at the foot of our bed like a dog. The possibilities were endless, and I hungered for much more than what had happened mere hours ago.

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