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Sarasota Florida, here we come!

The last few months have been a bit rocky, but we are finally on track!

My Partner and I have set a date to move, October 30th! We will be leaving our cold northeastern lives around 6 or 7PM, drive all through the night to get through those terrible cities and miss all the traffic, and then drive through the day to arrive in sunny and beautiful Sarasota on October 31st, our two year anniversary! The thought is thrilling and romantic, and I wish it would come sooner.

So, in the mean time, we are accepting tributes via my google wallet ( ) and amazon ( ) as we will be driving down with only our Hyundai Accent! If you read my previous blog when we were in the creating process (we had a bad downer and threw Florida away for a couple of months) you will know how tiny our car is and how little we are bringing with us, we will be purchasing with YOUR money down there! You can also donate to our gofundme page if you desire ( ).

To help decide how much money we would need, we put all of our bills together. Since we are going to live with our friend for a max of two months as we adjust, we decided that with the cost of college bills, phone bills, car bills, helping with water and electric, food, and setting our own personal money aside that we want to go down with a minimum of $2,500 as cushion until we can get our jobs all organized and the apartment we want settled. We have also put a lump sum of $400 aside for gas on the way down, oil changes, food, tolls, and hotel.

PLUS I still need to take a driving course which is $150 and get my lisence! I have been taking public transport for too long, so it's time I got up and did that.

We will keep y'all updated!

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